Hi, my name iswen Liu
I'm a
wen Liu
I enjoy building things for the web.
My focus is SpringBoot.
About me
When I was studying software engineering as an undergraduate at Jiangxi Agricultural University, I took courses such as computer basics, database principles, and Java. I also joined the professor's studio to participate in project development, accumulated extracurricular knowledge, and experienced the software engineering development process. Because of the epidemic and my strong interest in machine learning, I chose to take the postgraduate entrance examination. My first choice was Jinan University majoring in computer science and technology. Unfortunately, a sudden line fire occurred during the math exam, which had a great impact on the exam. Although the total score was 357 and he scored 123 points in the 408 subjects, he only scored 89 points in mathematics and failed in the final re-examination. At first, I wanted to take the exam for another year because I was unwilling to do so, but my guilt towards my parents made me accept the second batch of transfers. Fortunately, Hangzhou Dianzi University gave me the opportunity to experience scientific research. I am very grateful to the teachers and classmates of this school.My supervisor is a professor at the School of Microelectronics of Hangzhou Dianping University, and his research direction is molecular dynamics combined with machine learning. During my first year of graduate school, she asked me to participate in the project Prediction of tensile strength of friction stir welding (FSW) aluminum alloy based on machine learning. I gained a wealth of scientific research experience and a deep understanding of the practical application of machine learning. During my second year of graduate school, I participated in the development of a customized electrochemical workstation applet for the Hydrogen Energy and Carbon Neutrality Laboratory and successfully applied it in scientific research. In addition, I also independently developed a small program to control the programmable power supply to implement automated anodizing and stability testing.I really enjoy the challenge of programming and working with a team to develop projects and solve complex problems brings me great satisfaction. I am proficient in using technologies such as Spring, SpringBoot and MyBatis, and have an in-depth understanding of Redis and MySQL. At the same time, I also master technologies such as React, Vue3 and Next.js. In my free time, I like cycling and have completed single-day races around Qiandao Lake (136km), around Taihu Lake (350km), and around Zhoushan (160km). Cycling not only exercised my body, but also cultivated my perseverance.
Featured Projects
A responsive game grid application that offers search and filter functionality, and features infinite scrolling using React Query. It also includes robust form validation with Zod and efficient state management with Zustand.
- B/S
- SpringBoot
- SpringCloud
- Redis
- MongoDB
- Minio
- Kafaka
- ES
This project develops a control system for anodizing TiO2 nanotubes. It includes a user-friendly power supply class for automated preparation, voltage and current control, data recording, and executing predefined oxidation processes.
- python
- modbus_tk
- serial
- Independent development
This is a community epidemic management system based on the B/S architecture, developed using the SpringBoot framework with Java, Freemarker, and SpringBoot. It includes user, personnel, and address management, as well as nucleic acid testing records.
- B/S
- SpringBoot
- Redis
- Freemaker
My Skills
- Python
- Spring
- SpringMVC
- SpringBoot
- SpringCloud
- Docker
- MyBatis
- Mysql
- Redis
- MongDB
- Maven
- Nacos
- Kafka
- ES
- Minio
- JavaScript
- Next
- Vue2
- Vue3
- Node
- Git
- Github
- sklearn
- 3dMax
My Experiences
Hangzhou, China
Obtained a master's degree, won third-class scholarships from the school six times, and served as a branch committee member of the 22nd-level graduate student party branch of the college. Have an in-depth understanding of fields such as machine learning and new energy. Develop the ability to solve problems independently, be able to quickly learn and conduct research by reading literature and technology blogs, have strong ability to withstand stress, and be fully prepared for efficient application in a technology-driven environment.
2022 Sep - 2025 MayHangzhou University of Electronic Science and Technology Shangyu Science and Engineering Research Institute Co., Ltd.
Shaoxin , Shangyu
Assist in collecting the company's friction stir welding (FSW) process test records and measuring its tensile strength. Process raw data and complete feature engineering. Establish a three-dimensional transient model and convert raw data into physical quantities. Linear models are established for the original data and calculated physical quantities respectively. Finally, it was found that temperature and maximum shear stress have the most significant effects on the tensile strength of materials. The KNN model achieves the best performance at a 7:3 data set ratio (the original parameter data set accuracy is 83.3%, and the calculated data set reaches 90%).
2022 Sep - 2023 FebJiangxi Agricultural University (Software Engineering) Bachelor
NanChang, China
4.0/5 GPA, Bachelor's degree in Software Engineering. Master the basic knowledge of computers, including data structure, computer networks, operating systems, etc. Won the school's second-class scholarship once and the school's third-class scholarship six times. Served as deputy director of the Network Construction Department of the Youth League Committee of the Academy. Graduation project Community Epidemic Management System Based on SringBoot .
2018 Sep - 2022 JunContact Me
Please contact me directly at wenliu991015@foxmail.com